
The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev) was created as part of Canada’s Economic Action Plan 2009. Through Economic Action Plan 2013, the Agency’s mandate was renewed for additional five-year periods.

FedDev administers a number of programs intended for for-profit businesses including small- and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups and multinational enterprises. You can learn more about FedDev’s current programs at their website.

MCN helps its SR&ED and OIDMTC clients to select and scope projects for FedDev funding, advises on FedDev proposal preparation as well as assists with managing FedDev projects. This service is available to our existing SR&ED clients who qualify for the program and are committed to investing time and resources in securing FedDev funding.

For more information about FedDev and to learn how MCN can help your organization, please email us or contact us.